Difference between Epidemic and Pandemic


Difference between Epidemic and Pandemic

Epidemic vs Pandemic
Epidemic vs Pandemic





Epidemic is a disease spread rapidly in a amount of population.

Pandemic is a large form of epidemic, covers many countries.

Spreading area

Epidemic don’t spread in all over the world.

Pandemic can spread all over the world.


Less difficult to control.

More difficult to control.

Disease agent

Virus, Protozoa, Bacteria, sometimes even it is due to no disease agent.

Virus, often one that is transmitted by respiratory secrations.


Epidemic are usually caused by an infection, transmitted through person-to-person contact, animal-to-person contact, or from the environment or other media.

Pandemics are generally associated with novel or highly contagious disease to which people have little or no immunity.


For example, a localized outbreak of influenza in a city or town could be considered an epidemic.

The most notable example of a pandemic in recent history is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected virtually every corner of the world.

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